Just who is the Antichrist, the religious figure who will reject God’s laws and deny the true Christ? The Bible contains clear prophetic signs of his coming.
While critics persist in their efforts to discredit the historical accuracy of the Bible—claiming it is just a book of fables and stories—archaeology continues to reinforce the historicity of the Bible.
With its ability to manipulate reality, will A.I. become mankind’s greatest tool for deception? What are the real dangers of A.I. and how can you recognize them?
Many would have you believe that evidence against evolution does not exist. What is the truth about evolution and its supposed scientific “underpinnings”?
Does it ever seem like the struggle for happiness eclipses the more profound endeavor of man’s search for meaning and purpose? Separating one from the other is where we go wrong.
Are the COVID-19 outbreaks and resulting economic troubles signs of “sudden disaster” as described in the Bible? What else can the world expect if we are living in the prophesied end times?
Once upon a time, strengthening, protecting, and preserving marriage and the family were fundamental goals of morality in society. How things have changed. Sexual anarchy reigns and, with God removed from the picture, we now live in a world where it seems “anything goes.” How is that working out for us?
Are the divisions and disputes in our world tearing society apart, even at the spiritual level? Who is pulling our strings and pushing us to anger and strife, and how badly does the world need Christ’s return?